Thursday, March 18, 2010

it angers me

when a life is {stolen}
before it is {lost}

Addiction and Death.

a HORRIBLE beast. 
wrips apart at the seems.
looks deireable. at first.
and at times along the way.
controls and GRIPS.
steels. everything
kills. slowly

there are moments addiction can't steel. 
the laughter and joy that may be fleeting.
but they are still real.
the good times.
remembering those.

praying for families who have had
a life stolen. before it was lost.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

my Beloved

This song is playing over and over in my head. 
It has been so sweet this morning - just singing it. 
knowing. that the words are true. enjoy

click to hear song
{My Beloved} Kari Jobe

You're My Beloved
You're My Bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love

You're Beautiful to Me
So beautiful to Me

Under My mercy
Come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you
My child

You're Beautiful to Me
So Beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace
Cast all your cares down at My feet
Come and find your rest in Me

I'll breathe My life inside of you
I'll bear you up on eagle's wings
And hide you in the shadow of My strength
I'll take you to My quiet waters
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in Me and be made whole

You're My beloved
You're My Bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me my love

I pray that you would know your worth today.
That you would know that there is REST.
Wherever you're at.
That you're BEAUTIFUL {not gender exclusive}
I hope that you listen to this song
and it gets stuck in your head just like it's stuck in mine.

It's an amazing song to take up space!

Monday, March 8, 2010

When Life is Full

With the things you don't want.
There isn't room for the things you DO.

We're each given a point of capacity.
When we are FULL... we're full.

There isn't room for new until the old is discarded.
There isn't room for positive when negative is present.
There isn't room for dreams where doubt is abiding.
There isn't room for growth if what held us back still holds us.
There isn't room for the future when we live in the past.
There isn't room for the present when we live for the future.
There isn't room for a passenger when your car is cluttered.
There isn't room for yourself where your life is filled with others' cares.

This is such an easy concept.

why is it so hard to apply?

What is your life filled with?

Do you need to discard a few things?

I definitely need to clean out my car!