Wednesday, June 30, 2010


gives the freedom.
to fail.

I heard that one day a few months back. 
It has stuck in my head ever since.
It's something I'm SO thankful for!!

who are the people that I love unconditionally?

Accepting them for who they are.
Loving them IN who they are.
Pursuing the knowledge of who they are.  at the CORE.

It is amazing to think that I don't have to have it all together.
My T's crossed and i's dotted.  But I can just come. I can just be.

Loving me unconditionally 
does not mean that I have to be perfect to deserve that love.
It means that I will be loved. {period}

In my best times. my worst times.
In my cleanest times. my messiest times.
In my {on days}. my {off days}.
When I feel like bearing my soul. when I feel like hiding in a corner.
When I can talk for hours. when I just want to sit.
When I lash out. when I draw in.

unconditional [ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl] adj
1. without conditions or limitations;
2. (Mathematics) Maths (of an equality) true for all values of the variable (x+1)>x is an unconditional equality
{I don't understand the math definition...} 
But I GET {with out conditions or limitations}

Understanding that... getting that in my soul - is an amazing thing! 
I hope it is for you too!!

I want to love with out conditions or limitations.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where does the time go?

I haven't taken time to sit down and blog in well over a month now. 
Time goes by so quickly.
I'll get back on it soon.  Promise.