the last time I went to Olive Garden with Megan
I was SO CONFUSED by the menu.
they asked me if I wanted a "super salad"
or something rediculous like that
{"super salad" = soup OR salad} haha...
I looked at Meg COMPLETELY confused.
not knowing what salad I liked - or what it even was
I decided I would just get what she got and pretend it was what I wanted
Typically when I go to restaurants that I've been to before
I don't deviate from this too often.
not KNOWING what I liked made me deviate!
I've remembered since what my favorite meal is there:
Garlic Herb Chicken Con Brocolli
{mmmm... SO GOOD}
but of course they don't have it anymore
so I had to find a new favorite.
Haven't found it yet - so I guess that means I need to visit OG more.
i LOVE spending time with Family!
what do I say about you.
my LIFE would not be the same with out you.
You have become my blood.
Loving me through the hardest times and best times.
encouraging to grow past where I've been.
We balance each other.
You bring joy to my life!
All of you.
Maverick - you are an amazing loving little man.
I'm thankful for the first months that I got to be around you whenever I wanted.
"5 minutes" of coming upstairs turned into hours of holding you in my arms
playing with you, laughing with you and just staring at you.
You are a handsome little man who brings EVERYONE joy!
You are LOVED and wanted!!
Marley - "Baby Girl"
You're my favorite baby girl. You bring JOY.
You are smart. You are beautiful.
You keep going and going and going.
You have faith like a child and have a great memory.
You are concerned for other people - you want them to be careful.
You are carefree and love
Cooking. Singing. Dancing. Praying. Your friends and family.
You have got such a sensitive heart and spirit.
I'll never forget when you gave me one of your blankies.
I have loved watching you grow and being able to be a part of it!
I'll always be "YOUR Suz"
Reggie -
you've played so many roles in my life in the last 3 years.
protector - meeting guys at the door before going on dates with them
care taker - making sure that I'm doing alright
counselor - advice on life and pursuing dreams
encouragement - to keep going and invest everything
big brother - watching out for my best, calling me out on things that need to be called out
rescuer - {bailing me out from my hours in jail}
thank you for everything you do.
for working so hard to provide and to give.
thank you for wearing your heart on your sleeve.
thank you for leading your family {including me}
Megan -
man... where do I start.
I remember hearing about you from Krista and wanted to know you.
She had stories from Life Group and Africa.
You were already "family" with Krista and then God opened doors for you to be my Big Sis.
I can't tell you enough how much you have meant to me in LIFE.
I love our talks. Whether it's 5 minutes and a quick catch up
or all night long as we're hanging out with the kiddos
or when we both were home at the same time in the middle of the day.
You are one of my best friends.
I am so thankful and excited to go through each step of life together.
Thank you for your love and your giving spirit.
Thank you for your honesty!
{an honest answer is like a kiss on the cheek}
shows how much you care.
Thank you for sharing your life with me! {and your clothes!} haha.
Your advice and prayers have meant the world to me.
You are gifted.
You are blessed.
You are loved beyond measure!
Colvins. Thank you for being such an influential part of my life!
I love you! To the moon and back!
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