Sunday, September 9, 2012


when you choose to "get over" something.  
it's not gone. 
it's still there. 
and tends to build up in the future. 
you can still FEEL it.  

you "got over it"

when you get through something. 
you may remember it. 
but it's been dealt with. 
it's not just "something" sitting there in the room. 
a big elephant. 
sitting there.

I just heard 
"don't worry about it, i'll get over it" 

so I asked, "can we get through it instead?"

I guess i hadn't really made that connection before. 
but now that i have, i had to share it with you. 

so please stop "getting over it" but WORK at getting THROUGH IT. {whatever it is}


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your poems are so inspiring! How old are you? I wanna know how long it'll take me to be as good as that!