Wednesday, June 4, 2008

10 Minutes - no biggie

BNI - business network international has been such a great group to be involved in. I had to give my "10 minute presentation" this morning about Executive Title and I was SO NERVOUS! I worked myself up for nothing.

I don't know if I would have my biggest account (with Wells Fargo) right now if it wasn't for BNI! The theory is that it is easier to refer your friends and family to other friends. So we meet every week (at 7am... YUCK) to build confidence in each other and learn about each other's business. There is only 1 person from each line of work allowed into the group so there is no competition for business. It's so great to get a "warm referral" rather than going out and "cold calling". Not that I don't LOVE cold calling...

What I was afraid this morning would flop, turned into a good confidence builder... so thanks BNI!

I tend to get more anxious than I need to for things like this - but I'm motivated to go earn more business relationships!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

right on! get out there and earn relationships! build your network! but also, BE CONFIDENT IN YOU!!! you're a wonderful person, and getting better in business. grow your confidence and become the strong business woman you want to be.

i believe in you!