Saturday, September 19, 2009

washing my feet.

I got home today from a long day of photography.

I was wearing my sister's black "Mary Jane" Crocs. They are the most comfortable, quietest shoes for moving around while I'm shooting. They have a strap around the ankle with an open back. Somehow my feet tend to get HORRIBLY dirty when I wear them...? (the wedding was outside... and there was a lot of dirt - so I guess it makes sense)

The second I got home I tore the shoes off and threw the them in my closet. I was READY for bed (long day)... but my feet were too filthy to put them in my newly washed sheets. I immediately thought - I wish I had someone to wash my feet. I'm too tired right now.

Then I thought about friends of mine who just got married. The groom surprised his bride by washing her feet during the ceremony.

What a beautiful way to start a marriage. Instead of just saying vows - and doing the traditions that we go through. He washed her feet - SHOWING her that he loves her, wants the best for her, will put her first, he will take care of her, he will serve her.

I want to be like that. I want to wash people's feet.

I thought that it might be a bit funny if I carried around soap, a bucket and some wash cloths... so I nixed that idea. BUT I can be a servant in my attitude. My demeanor. My love.

How can I "wash someone's feet today"? How can I serve today?

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