Sunday, September 21, 2008

Are we ever where we WANT to be?

I feel like I've learned in the last few years or so that none of us are where we want to be. There's always more - there's always another level to get to. (even if we're happy where we're at - other people tend to ask the question about the next level).

I think this can be a good motivating factor OR many times a question you KNOW is coming and either laugh because everyone asks it... or you get annoyed because you've heard it so much.

You graduated from High School, "Where are you going to college?"
You're in College, "What are you going to major in?"
You graduated from College, "Where are you going to work?"
You're single, "I need to introduce you to ______________."
Now you're dating, "When are you going to get married?"
You're married, "When are you going to have kids?"
You lost your baby, "When are you going to try again?"

You have 1 kid, "When's number 2 and 3 coming?"
You've got an apartment, "When are you going to buy a house?"

Are we just a culture who is not satisfied? Or are those just the natural things to ask... because those are the things that are "supposed" to happen? What happens when someone just doesn't know... or has chosen to stop planning - because things don't seem to go how you plan.

What about our relationships with God? I hear so many friends talking about how they aren't where they WANT to be or NEED to be.

I heard something that helped me in my life with how I view God and Christianity.

I heard it said that each of us has got the same amount of God available in our lives. If you think of a car - we all have a "FULL" tank, it is our choice to choose to "put ourselves in gear"

I don't think that life is meant to be a rat race - always seeking never finding. Or a game where God just holds a carrot in front of us. I believe that our relationship with God and daily life should be just even a simple prayer each day, "Lord, what can you do in me and through me - let me see what you see and be your love tangibly to everyone around me". I think that it means just giving of ourselves and taking things day by day.

We all screw up - we all feel the need to be somewhere else - whether it's wanting a S.O. (significant other) wanting to be married or have kids, or a bigger house, or a new car or purse or shoes. What we have is NEVER ENOUGH... but I think that's the point... WE HAVE ALL WE NEED - we just need to access it. We just need to see what we have and pursue that.

It's not about being good enough, or having enough. It's about what we can give. If we all thought about what we could give... I think we'd all be closer to where we WANT to be.