Wednesday, June 30, 2010


gives the freedom.
to fail.

I heard that one day a few months back. 
It has stuck in my head ever since.
It's something I'm SO thankful for!!

who are the people that I love unconditionally?

Accepting them for who they are.
Loving them IN who they are.
Pursuing the knowledge of who they are.  at the CORE.

It is amazing to think that I don't have to have it all together.
My T's crossed and i's dotted.  But I can just come. I can just be.

Loving me unconditionally 
does not mean that I have to be perfect to deserve that love.
It means that I will be loved. {period}

In my best times. my worst times.
In my cleanest times. my messiest times.
In my {on days}. my {off days}.
When I feel like bearing my soul. when I feel like hiding in a corner.
When I can talk for hours. when I just want to sit.
When I lash out. when I draw in.

unconditional [ˌʌnkənˈdɪʃənəl] adj
1. without conditions or limitations;
2. (Mathematics) Maths (of an equality) true for all values of the variable (x+1)>x is an unconditional equality
{I don't understand the math definition...} 
But I GET {with out conditions or limitations}

Understanding that... getting that in my soul - is an amazing thing! 
I hope it is for you too!!

I want to love with out conditions or limitations.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Where does the time go?

I haven't taken time to sit down and blog in well over a month now. 
Time goes by so quickly.
I'll get back on it soon.  Promise.

Monday, May 10, 2010

tell him.

redone by: Colbie Caillat 
Let me be patient let me be kind
Make me unselfish without being blind
Though I may suffer I'll envy it not
And endure what comes
Cause he's all that I got and
Tell him...

Tell him I need him
Tell him I love him And it'll be alright
Tell him And it'll be alright And it'll be alright

Now I may have faith to make mountains fall
But if I lack love then I am nothin' at all
I can give away everything I possess
But left without love then I have no happiness
I know I'm imperfect not without sin
But now that I'm older all childish things end
And tell him...

Tell him I need him
Tell him I love him And it'll be alright
Tell him And it'll be alright And it'll be alright

I'll never be jealous
And I won't be too proud
Cause love is not boastful
Oh... and love is not loud
Tell him I need him
Tell him I love him
Everything's gonna be alright
Ya, ya, ya, ya... ya...

Now I may have wisdom and knowledge on Earth
But if I speak wrong then what is it worth?
See what we now know is nothing compared
To the love that was shown when our lives were spared
And tell him...

Tell him I need him
Tell him I love him And it'll be alright
Tell him And it'll be alright And it'll be alright
Tell him And it'll be alright And it'll be alright

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mom

there are so many things to say about my mom.  
things that when reading this she may not believe - but everyone around her would agree!

my mom is one of the most humble people I know.
she gives all that she has.
she has changed lives. 
she does it everyday.
she wakes up in the morning around 4am {+ or - a bit}
gets into work early - because she knows when the doors open - taking time for the families that walk through the doors and her staff become more important than her TO DO list.

I've watched this for many years and thought it was silly... 
but see now that it is not - it is her heart.

she has a heart for People. 
she will take any child into her lap to hug them and make them laugh or wipe their tears.
her face lights up when she gets a hug from a child at her center.
she is lovingly known as {Barbie}
kids that went to her daycare center as a child come back and work for her through high school {some stay to become teachers}

she runs a conference every year {which is one of the best conferences around}
for hundreds of early childhood educators
she LOVES sharing God's love with children.
she's known her whole life that she wanted to be a teacher. 

I remember my favorite times learning things in school were when I went home and my mom would tell me the HISTORY behind a story {I acted like I didn't care - but I was so intrigued} I still remember the feeling - she made it come ALIVE.  I felt like I was there {sometimes I made up stories... saying I was there... more details for another post}

my Mom touches people at the core of who they are.
building them up. seeing the BEST!  always believing for the best.
she always finds a way to let you KNOW that you are loved. 
she loves to give gifts {my parents' checkbook doesn't always love it} but my Dad knows how much she loves to give... so can't always say no.  he loves that about her {deep down} ;)
she puts verses and a little {something} in with each of her employees paychecks.
she TAKES TIME for people.
she TAKES TIME for me.

I love working with my mom.
she is an amazing photographer. 
I love the relationship we have. 
though there are days it can be all about business
I love taking time and just hanging out with my mom.

she is one of my best friends.
she is a person that I trust with my whole self.
she would do anything she can to take pain away when it is there.
she gives GREAT hugs.
she makes me laugh!
she calls to tell you she's 2 minutes away and the streets that she's turning on when she's on her way home.
she hates merging on the highway.
she loves her family {non "blood" relatives included}
she has awesome hand writing.
she's a GREAT cook {but doesn't like it or anything domestic}
she wants a pumpkin colored car.
she gave me her laugh.
she has got one of the most loving giving hearts of anyone I know.

not only today on {Mothers' Day} but everyday I hope you know how loved you are and how much you mean to us.  You are an amazing woman that I look up to and so proud you are ours!

Happy Mothers' Day!!
Love you

Thursday, May 6, 2010

making a list

I got an invite this morning. {for a fiesta date night}
it made my day.  no maybe week. 

one of the most precious things to me is a PLAN or a surprise. 
it shows me that they care because there is thought behind it. 

i DON'T LIKE to plan.  
i may seem like a planner to some. 
if no one else plans something i will. 
i don't like making decisions 
and at EVERY chance I'll get - 

This got me thinking about relationships. 

I am NO EXPERT in relationship and will never claim to be. 
I have had more failed relationships than successful ones.

BUT I am WORKING ON knowing myself and communicating to have a successful relationship and want to share things that I learn along the way
with that out of the way.
I had a thought this morning.  
sparked by a conversation last night. 
if we're honest with ourselves - we have NO CLUE when it comes to the opposite sex. 


why not make a list?

a list of the things you LOVE. the things that make your heart melt.
{for men} a list of things that make you comfortable and make your heart race.

Take 5 or ten minutes and use it as a cheat sheet. 
Let each other know that this is what it is... make it laughable and fun.

for my married friends.
don't forget to DATE your spouse.

{I'm dating right now - Not racing for the next stage because I want to LIVE where we're at loving this time together. Then when we are in the next stage of life it will be a sweet memory and I'll be reminded of why we chose each other because we LIVED it.} I think this is true in all stages of life.  LOVE where you're at - because you'll never be there again!

remember WHY you wanted to spend the rest of your lives with each other.  
even if your life doesn't look how you thought it would {it never does}
cherish your dating memories and do the same things now that you did then.

have {COUCH TIME} 
where you are shoulder to shoulder or face to face.  
talking. holding hands or cuddling.
TALK.  seriously. put the kids to bed early and ENJOY each other.

Coming from a single girl - learning from my Married Friends.  
I hope to be a mirror of encouragement to remember what got you here...

SO... have fun and make a list

with all my love.S

a bit hurt

but mostly because of MY expectation.
how much of the pain in our life is because of our expectations?

Many times we are hurt because we want people to be like us. 
{we may not say that but if we truly look to the core I believe it's true}
We want the people close to love like us. to give like us. to feel like us. to live like us.

But - no one else is like us. 
We have similarities and things that tie us together as friends, family, and SOs.
There is not ONE PERSON exactly like me. 
There is not ONE PERSON exactly like you.  

It is so elementary - but at the age of 28 I'm just figuring out that most of MY hurt feelings come because I expect someone to KNOW me and give how I want them to give.  

Knowing that, I'll let go of my expectations.  

Not lower them - let go of them.  

The things that are important to me - will continue to be important to me - but expecting others to place the same value on them- I'll make the choice to give that up.  

instead I'll SEE people in my life for who THEY are and ask what is important to them.

It's amazing what can be learned on the other side of hurt feelings in friendship.

the blogs are flowing again...

my brain shuts down when I work too much. 
and don't spend quality time with the people I love. 
that's where most of my blogs come from. 
I've got 3 swiming around in my head right now...

now if I can just remember them all.


Monday, May 3, 2010

let love and faithfulness never leave you

I am a dramatic person.

I tend to use words like {always. never. only} etc. 
Reading this today struck me.

let Love and Faithfulness NEVER leave you {prov.3:3}

What does it mean to have them NEVER leave you?
In ALL that I do - am I showing love?  Am I being faithful?
In my words.  my thoughts.  my actions.

It is easy for me to love.  I LOVE love.  I see it in most things. 
It kind of {oozes} out of me.
But to NEVER let it leave me.

And faithfulness.
Faithfulness is something that is harder for me to do naturally. 
Though I would say I am a very Faithful person.
To never let it leave me is a different story.

I find I'm faithful to the things that I want to be. 
It's the things that are hard... that I struggle with
{as I write this I think "duh" of course it's the things that are hard that I struggle with}

but I think, that, may be the {a} point of NEVER letting it leave you. 
When there are things in me that I don't WANT to be faithful to.
Commitments that I make to myself - things that I can just let slide.

That is where I will know what I'm made of. 
Do I keep those commitments? 
Am I faithful and loving in the little things?

I will strive to be.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

stars in trees

I am so thankful that everyone doesn't think like I do. 
I am thankful that there are 
people who can hold on to facts and figures. 
people that are great with details - and remembering them.
people that are good with little known facts... like this one.

Did you know that there are STARS in trees?

A great friend of mine showed me this the other day.
She had no clue what this little stick would mean to me.
The thoughts that it would inspire.

It may seem elementary - but I love it.  
It is still in my purse. 

It's a reminder to look for little details in life. 
Special details. Also to take time to enjoy them.

Who knew that if you break off a cotton tree branch that you would find a star?
More importantly than that
who knew the exact location in the cotton branch 
that you have to break it to find the star?

{It makes me think of my life}
There are places that we I been broken. 
Sometimes it felt like it was the wrong place.

But now it has turned into something beautiful.

I think I'll keep this star.
I had no clue that there were stars in trees. 

What details can you enjoy more today?
My friend challenges me to do this {just by being herself} 
I just wanted to pass it along

so... I don't

        LOSE things. 
             I just MISPLACE them.
**{for extended periods of time}**

Monday, April 19, 2010

running etiquette

I am new to this {running} thing.

i can say {not proudly} in my 28 years of life i do not believe i have ever gone on a run by myself. 

Today was the day.  I decided to run. 
I woke up this morning... wanting to go for a run.
my {run} started off at 
2 mins of walking. 2 mins of running.
2 mins of walking. 2 mins of running. 

Here are my questions about running etiquette... 
There are bikers, walkers, roller bladers, dog walkers and runners on the path

1. do you have to say hello or smile everytime someone laps you 
{yes... I was lapped MANY times} 
only by the people who had wheels though - so I guess that's a good start.

2. if someone comments on what a beautiful day it is - do you have to {comment} back? 
or can you just agree and smile?

3. how about if an old man laughs and says, "so you took the short cut around?"  
what is the best way to respond?  
I don't know the short cut path or the long way around
I'm just running on the path in front of me... 
is what I wanted to say - but I just kept going.  {it didn't feel short to me}

so after a half an hour of running {walk/running} 

I've decided... I'm going again. 
It was exhilarating.  

and my legs are going to pay tomorrow.  
but in the long run I think I may even start to like it...?
not making any promises - we will see :0)

iLOVE surprises

{as long as I'm dressed for the occasion ... or there are clothes provided to be dressed for the occasion}

at the end of service yesterday I had a note past to me asking:

"Do you have plans today?"
{I don't anymore... I had a photo shoot reschedule}
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
{I would LOVE to go on a date with you}
"Can I pick you up from your house after church?"

I had the HUGEST smile on my face. all day long.

Burgers and Malts
for lunch
It was SO NICE to sit out in the sun.  
Though the bees and birds didn't leave us alone 
dealing with them was worth the time in the sun!

then off to...

   the Sculpture Garden

time together. just relaxing.

have I mentioned how much iLOVE surprises?
it was an awesome sunny day.
with an amazing man.

Love you.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


this was just sent to me in an email.  I googled it and got the full story if you'd like to read it by clicking the link at the end of this blog. 
Something to think about.


On a cold January morning in 2007 in a Washington, DC, Metro station, violinist played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes.  During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.  After about 3 minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing.  He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule.

About 4 minutes later: 
 The violinist received his first dollar.  A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.

 At 6 minutes:
A young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch, and started to walk again. 

At 10 minutes:
A 3-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly.  The kid stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time.  This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without exception - forced the children to move on quickly.

At 45 minutes:
The musician played continuously.  Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while.  About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace.  The man collected a total of $32.

After 1 hour:
He finished playing and silence took over.  No one noticed and no one applauded.  There was no recognition
 at all.

No one knew it, but the violinist was Joshua Bell,
one of the greatest musicians in the world.  With a violin worth $3.5 million dollars he played one of the most intricate pieces ever written. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.
This is a true story. Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the D.C. Metro station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and people's priorities

This experiment raised several questions:
  •      In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? 
  •      If so, do we stop to appreciate it? 
  •      Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: 

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made . .

How many other things are we missing as we rush through life?

to read the full story click here. a warm chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven...

this is the only description I can give about a few people that I've met recently. 

It has been so nice to meet people who are

a warm place
a place of comfort
a place of peace
a place of love
someone I want to linger with 
someone I want to share life with
someone who encourages me just by being themselves

I want to be like this. 

Meeting people who make me feel this way. 
Makes me look at myself and wonder what aftertaste I leave.

I love the aftertaste of chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a confession

of a shopoholic.

I handed over my check card yesterday.
It was one of the most freeing things I've done in a while!

While I've wanted to use it... MANY times since then.
It is SO NICE to not have it at my fingertips to use as a crutch!

I have got an amazing role model and friend in my life who is investing her time and energy into me.  Holding me accountable.  Going over my monthly budget... and previous month's spending.  It's good. and hard to look at sometimes.

It's not REALLY hard at this point {but then again it IS only the 2nd day}.  I'm so sick of where I've been. Buying things {really anything} has been an addiction.  I am an addict.  I see that now. I have to treat it just as I would alcohol or any other addiction. The first step for any addict is to acknowledge it... right?

This last month was a bit of a relapse month. It is hard to deal with that.  Thinking that you're doing "so well" and then one trip to the mall turns into 3 and one night eating out turns into 5 {in a week}.  The justifications for spending start flying...

I am proud to say I am now taking care of it - no more justifications.  I am seeing my debt for what it is.  and getting it out of my life.  I won't be controlled by it anymore!  I WILL think differently.  about myself. about what fills my life.

This is good. and hard.  But it will be AMAZING when I can say that I am DEBT FREE.  I remember saying out loud, "I'm going to be a pretty good catch, once I've got this all figured out..."


A big part of "recovery" is realizing that it may not ever be "figured out"... we are a continual work.   It's when I think I'm good... and can handle things and don't protect myself and have accountability when the downward spiral starts.

Maybe reading this will help other people.  This is a hard blog to post... but I'm posting it for myself... for accountability of reading my own words - and for you.  If it opens one person's eyes and encourages someone to become debt free {or addiction free} - it's worth posting this.

Here's to the good times and hard times ahead.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

it angers me

when a life is {stolen}
before it is {lost}

Addiction and Death.

a HORRIBLE beast. 
wrips apart at the seems.
looks deireable. at first.
and at times along the way.
controls and GRIPS.
steels. everything
kills. slowly

there are moments addiction can't steel. 
the laughter and joy that may be fleeting.
but they are still real.
the good times.
remembering those.

praying for families who have had
a life stolen. before it was lost.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

my Beloved

This song is playing over and over in my head. 
It has been so sweet this morning - just singing it. 
knowing. that the words are true. enjoy

click to hear song
{My Beloved} Kari Jobe

You're My Beloved
You're My Bride
To sing over you is My delight
Come away with Me My love

You're Beautiful to Me
So beautiful to Me

Under My mercy
Come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you
My child

You're Beautiful to Me
So Beautiful to Me

I sing over you My song of peace
Cast all your cares down at My feet
Come and find your rest in Me

I'll breathe My life inside of you
I'll bear you up on eagle's wings
And hide you in the shadow of My strength
I'll take you to My quiet waters
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in Me and be made whole

You're My beloved
You're My Bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me my love

I pray that you would know your worth today.
That you would know that there is REST.
Wherever you're at.
That you're BEAUTIFUL {not gender exclusive}
I hope that you listen to this song
and it gets stuck in your head just like it's stuck in mine.

It's an amazing song to take up space!

Monday, March 8, 2010

When Life is Full

With the things you don't want.
There isn't room for the things you DO.

We're each given a point of capacity.
When we are FULL... we're full.

There isn't room for new until the old is discarded.
There isn't room for positive when negative is present.
There isn't room for dreams where doubt is abiding.
There isn't room for growth if what held us back still holds us.
There isn't room for the future when we live in the past.
There isn't room for the present when we live for the future.
There isn't room for a passenger when your car is cluttered.
There isn't room for yourself where your life is filled with others' cares.

This is such an easy concept.

why is it so hard to apply?

What is your life filled with?

Do you need to discard a few things?

I definitely need to clean out my car!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A year ago.


We were on our way to a country that would capture a piece of our hearts and our lives that we'll never get back.

A {trip} at first...
just going along with my Sister. She decided to move there for a few months and I'd always wanted to go to Australia so THIS was my chance!! I couldn't pass it up.

It became a {journey} an {adventure}
larger than what I ever thought it would be or could be.

You know the things in life that GRIP you.
The things that don't let you go no matter how much you try and shake it or wiggle your way out of it.

Australia. the people. Hillsong. the country.
Has Changed Me.

My sister and I were talking the other day. It's funny when people who know you've been there ask you, "SO - do you ever think of Australia?" {HAHA}
She started to answer, "only..." I completed her sentence, "every day."

I've traveled to many countries and places... each affecting me in amazing ways:

The Marianna Islands{3x}
{Saipan, Guam and Tinian}

B.eautiful tropical islands and people. amazing. I have a handful of {little sisters} over there that I love and cherish memories of.
GREAT STEAK. dogs everywhere. Gorgeous children and LOTS of giggles. bonding with friends
The people we met had Extravagant Faith. They could be killed or thrown in jail for their faith. I got to hold babies in orphanages. Saw the great wall, Beautiful Temples, Tienanmen Square & Mao's Tumb
built a home for 8 orphans. so rewarding! "Webale Jesu. Webale Jesu. Webale Jesu. Webale Catonda-wange" {a song we wrote and would sing as we built the home} went skinny dipping and saw my life flash before my eyes in the Nile. Amazing!!
So much fun working for the community. painting. serving people. using the LITTLE Spanish I know
relaxing vacation. beautiful country. amazing history. time to reflect & bond with my cousin.

life changing. a point in my life where I say, "before I went to Australia" and now after.

There was something about this {trip}...

I could truly write for days about it. Actually. I did. If you want to know more details... read blogs from the end of February last year... and also the month of July.

Happy reading if you go there.

Seriously. if you've ever thought of going to AU. you should go. You won't regret it!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

photo Blog

{capturing the essence of who YOU are}

I'm so excited to start this blog.
Most of the work done recently are families, babies and events ;)

Check it out... I should be adding photos daily
I've got a lot to catch up on.
Feel free to hand out the blog address to friends and family
in need of Photography.


Monday, February 1, 2010


I had no clue.what I needed.
until I saw it. felt it. and now know it.

what I now KNOW that I need...

someone who jumps right into my crazy life and does what he can to support. someone who loves to cook. someone who sees the value in communicating before there is a problem rather than after. someone who sees me and loves me in all of my quirkiness. someone who listens and wants to understand me more. someone who gives as much/MORE than I do. someone who is concerned with people and will put himself on the back burner for the greater good. someone who is thoughtful and tells me his thoughts. someone who loves the Lord and wants to grow continuously in Him. someone who I'm naturally MORE myself with everyday. someone who can't tell if I'm wearing make up or not. someone who laughs constantly and who's smile lights me up inside. someone who TAKES CARE OF ME and has my front. someone who is becoming my best friend 2nd in line to my family. someone who loves my family... {even if they haven't met YET}. someone who will stay up with me prepping for my {Suzy's Closet Sale} and sets up my clothes with more detail and thought than I ever would have. someone who appreciates me - just as i am. someone who is honest and not afraid of the past or the future. someone who knows we're both not perfect and anticipates imperfect times. someone who sends me songs just to let me know he's thinking of me. someone who loves spending time with the people I love. someone who is confident. someone who is strong. someone who carries peoples' burdens. someone who volunteers and steps outside of his box. someone who when he wants something he'll pursue it. someone who shows his concern. someone who I want to partner with through out life. through the ups and downs. someone who I believe in.

I know now what I want. And I AM BLESSED.

there is definitely no reason to settle.
there is {someone}
out there that will be what you need.

if you've already found that someone.
reflect on how blessed you are.

if they haven't shown their face yet.
enjoy your time
be the {someone} you're looking for.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Good Intentions


I was getting ready this morning. Thinking. "What was I meaning to Blog about yesterday...?"

I started going through a list of things that may jog my memory and eventually came to, "I think I was thinking of the things that I mean to do... um... {light bulb noise} OH YAH... having Good Intentions and where it leads you!" Whew so thankful for a memory that still for the most part works. I had to laugh because I had every INTENTION of writing down a few thoughts on Good Intentions.

so here I am with a head full of THOUGHTS about Good Intentions. Trying to live my life Intentionally. But isn't that the thing?? Don't you either LIVE your life INTENTIONALLY or not? Because if you're not - you're just living with Good Intentions. You're either one or the other...

I've always used the word TRY. But I feel a change in me. I either do something and accomplish it or I don't. There's nothing wrong with black and white. I think that generally speaking we like to {TRY} because we don't like to fail. We can't handle failure. Or maybe we just don't WANT to handle it. We don't want to acknowledge that we CAN fail. That failure is actually a good thing. It brings you closer to accomplishment.

What is wrong in a day with saying - "I failed my to-do list" instead of "I tried to everything and couldn't" or what about making our TO-DO lists doable. Bite sized pieces ... not chomping down on more than we can chew... so we DON'T fail.

I don't want to live in the land of Good Intentions anymore. {taking that thought further... I WON'T live in the land of Good Intentions anymore} It gets me no where. It brings me to a place that I don't like. I let people down. Instead of building relationships I slowly build a wall up where people will learn they can't depend on me "I MEANT to do that... is not good enough anymore"

It's time for me to LIVE INTENTIONALLY... seeing what I can and can't do. Pushing myself to do more than I thought I could ... but not taking on more than I actually CAN.

where are you sitting with intentions?

Monday, January 25, 2010

a good diffuser

i enjoy the moments that i get to see what i'm made of.

confrontational moments.
when they bring about the best.
when there is a resolution.
when the problem at hand is revealed and dealt with.

when a situation that could blow up is diffused.

i got to be a good diffuser today. i was proud of myself. calling things out for what they are. standing up for myself and my company knowing that we watch out for our customers and do everything in our power to amplify the hard work they do and help them look that much better.

i was thrown under the bus a bit today... but was glad to wear the skid marks because of the end result.

in relationships it's all about team work. putting the other person in front of yourself. whether it's in family relationships. romantic relationships or business relationships. if we are ALL always watching out for the people around us then we will ALL be taken care of.

the thing is ... that's not how most people think. so when you have that attitude as a person or as a company you're left holding what others give you - which isn't always pretty. but it's OUR JOB to do what we can to turn it into something good and beautiful.

i really enjoy days like today when i get to see... in tough situations what i'm made of.

is the goal TRULY to love in all situations and draw out the best in people?? TODAY it was!

Friday, January 22, 2010

you made my day

I just got an email from a friend.
Who told me a little confession.
It made my day!

Ms. Sass.
When you read this.
Know that you bless me!

Love you.

made me smile

So ... I heard an amazingly beautiful accent tonight. I loved it.

This couple was talking in a language that I definitely didn't understand. I found myself wanting to join in the conversation.

When I opened my mouth to say something the only thing that was there to say was, "HOLA", "GRACIAS", "DENADA", "MUCHO GUSTO"

I almost couldn't contain myself. How funny is it that when I hear another language my mind interprets that to speak SPANISH... it is the only other language that I somewhat know... {un poqito}

Needless to say. I didn't open my mouth. I just laughed at myself and enjoyed overhearing the beautiful conversation.

the little things make me smile!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I see my future in His eyes

I have never known this before. To look at someone and be able to see not specifically my future and what it holds... but that no matter what it holds I see the desire to do it together. to partner through out life.

His eyes mirroring my future blows me away.

the Lord knows His plans for me.

Plans to prosper. To give Hope of a Future. They are plans to Build Up not to tear down. Plans to bring Beauty for ashes. Strength for fear. Gladness for mourning. Peace for despair. Plans to Believe and Draw out the best of any/all situations. To lead when there is no leader. To speak words of life. To bring Justice and Mercy. To Cry with brokenhearted. To Give where there is need. To Love where there is hate. To bring Sight where people are blind. To give a Voice to the unheard. To Give My Life.

I see my future in HIS eyes
thank you that your word is true.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

the last 10%

Think of your last 10 conversations. REAL conversations that you've had- not just {hello/goodbye}. In those conversations... were you able to share everything that you wanted to? Most of the time we don't. Most of the time... even with the people closest to us we only share about 90% {at best} of our thoughts...

Pastor Darin - our lead pastor at SCC talked about this a few weeks ago. He's got about 5 - 10 people that when they get together they are 100% REAL with each other... They ask for THE LAST 10%.

I don't think that we're meant to share 100% with EVERYONE {that would be exhausting}. But we each should have those few that we GIVE the last 10% to.

We're not typically {bare} with each other. We don't typically share {everything}. the good/bad, ugly/beautiful. Why is that?


of rejection. hurting someone's feelings. looking stupid. being too pushy or opinionated. not trusting people with who we are - our WHOLE selves. having feelings not reciprocated. meddling. opening a can of worms you don't want opened. the future.

...Whatever the reason most of us stay with our comfortable 90%...

Last night I asked for the last 10%. It was awesome to get everything that we were thinking out! I loved what the last 10% was that was given.

What is the last 10% in your life that you WANT...

to say.
to do.
to be.

will you give it?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

{Counting to 100}

by Matt Wertz.

Have you heard of him? Most people haven't. I fell in love with his music about 7 years ago or so. Sometimes things are just better said through a song. Here are a few lines that I LOVE from this song...

{You go hide. I'll come seek. Maybe someday in the middle we just might meet. I'll be counting to 100 and I promise I won't peek. So you go hide. I'll come seek.}

Since I first heard the song ... and really Every time I hear this song I think, "I want someone to think this of me." I want him to find me. to seek ME.

A week ago I had an amazing meal with an amazing person. He put together a CD with songs that reminded him of me. {totally how I communicate - someone has always said it better than I can... SOMEWHERE}

I was seriously floored.
I don't know the last time I smiled that big... I couldn't believe that he knew Matt Wertz.

And he found MY song.

Monday, January 4, 2010

baby it's COLD outside

I've belted this song out at Good-Bye more times than I'd like to admit...

I wish I knew all the words to the song - but I guess the joy of adding my own words would be taken away then!

stay warm out there