Monday, March 8, 2010

When Life is Full

With the things you don't want.
There isn't room for the things you DO.

We're each given a point of capacity.
When we are FULL... we're full.

There isn't room for new until the old is discarded.
There isn't room for positive when negative is present.
There isn't room for dreams where doubt is abiding.
There isn't room for growth if what held us back still holds us.
There isn't room for the future when we live in the past.
There isn't room for the present when we live for the future.
There isn't room for a passenger when your car is cluttered.
There isn't room for yourself where your life is filled with others' cares.

This is such an easy concept.

why is it so hard to apply?

What is your life filled with?

Do you need to discard a few things?

I definitely need to clean out my car!


Natalie said...

that's definitely some major things ive been working on since November

Marzel said...

Awesome blog Suz! I will help you with the car ;-)