Thursday, February 26, 2009

One more piece of bread

The Sunday before we left. Dad, Mom, Krista and I had communion together. I love doing that with our family! Most of the time we do it at Christmas and Easter. But how awesome to have a family that prays together and supports each other on more levels than just the tangible. Not that prayer isn't tangible - but it's not just being there for each other - in the same room. Laughing, Crying, Joking, together. But BEING there for each other when we are worlds away.

We had just finished lunch. And Dad "broke the bread" which was a cressent role... I don't know if he broke it this way on purposed. But I couldn't help but notice as he placed an extra piece of bread on the plate... that there was ONE left... I kept looking down at it thinking about Joel. Dad could have given us bigger pieces... but there was one left for Joel.

He wasn't in the room with us. But he is with us! He was there.

I love him and am excited for this time in his life! All of us kids are all now outside of the US. Mom wrote an email saying that it's strange she can't call ANY of us... we can only communicate through email.

But how awesome that there is something more that bonds us. We can support each other in prayer while we are away from each other! That is such a comforting and amazing thought!

I'm so thankful for our family and for that "one more piece of bread".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i hope mis padres (my host parents) don't come walking by right now. it would be hard for me to explain why i'm crying b/c of the love i feel and know from my family. well, not hard to explain i suppose, but unnecessary for them to see me crying - with their being a communication barrier it would probably be confusing and a little awkward for both of us :P
i love all you guys so so much. thanks for breakin me off some and remembering me. can't wait to see you again.