it's been a while since I've had a healthy relationship... here are my thoughts on what it should look like.
Friendship with Attraction sprinkled on top is a good {great} place to start.
Friendship.People have always said that relationships are so much better when they start knowing a person as a friend. How sweet... to be blessed with that! To look at that person and want the best for them. Get to know them for who they are - not who you want them to be - or because you see an {end result with them}. To have a true friend you trust of the opposite sex that you enjoy just being with! It's been awesome building a friendship!
Boundaries. Where you want to go and don't want to go. There's not really time to mess around! I've been there and done that and don't want to go back to where I've been that wasn't healthy. I know what I want and what I don't want! I know what's good for me and what is not good for me! So the standard is set HIGH! That way if it turns out that it is just a friendship - there will be no regrets.
the Future. Walking. {
Not getting the cart before the horse... BUT when the horse is moving - strolling along with it!} Not putting your "Best Foot forward" but just taking steps and if the place you're walking leads in the same direction... AMAZING. If it doesn't - it was a good walk! When it IS the same direction... Partnering together. Influencing lives for the better! Being God's Love. Drawing out the best. Making the world more colorful no matter where that is.
Individually content and connected. Together better. Both be WHOLE individuals to make a team. Living/Loving life with the people around us. We have each others back. AND our fronts. {giving what is needed before it's asked for or communicated - knowing the person well enough to put his needs in front of mine. Knowing that he'll do the same} Out give. Out love. Out pursue. To BOTH give 150%
Comfort in Silence. Being {dorky} = realKnowing that things aren't always going to be on cloud nine. Daily there will be challenges and disappointments. Knowing
you can just sit IN IT with each other and BE. Nothing needs to be said or done - you're just there. You can be FULLY yourself. Whatever you look like. You're into each other just the way you are. Knowing you'll grow and change - individually and together. Making effort to grow together. Making time for each other.
Having a healthy relationship is a choice. No matter what stage you're in. Whether it's the beginning or you're 5 years into it. You'll choose where you go. If you're not where you want to be - you're the only one that can make a difference. You choose daily if you're going to give or take. love or hate. bring life or death. build up or tear down. bring laughter or mourning. You choose daily where YOUR life and relationship is going.
I've been learning that truly having a healthy relationship with someone else - means having a healthy relationship with ourselves first!
It's WORTH IT to choose a healthy relationship. {even though the analogy isn't really healthy}
It's amazing to have a friendship with attraction sprinkled all over it.