Saturday, March 21, 2009


Dad was in the hospital this last week with "multiple blood clots" in his lungs.

They started in his legs and broke up and moved to his lungs. We know that he was protected from the blood clots affecting him in a more tragic way...

I didn't remember that this is what Grandma Wigstadt died from. Looks like it could be genetic so we will all need to get blood tests to see if we have a genetic predisposition to getting blood clots... That aside...

It amazes me that in hard times we're able to SEE what we're made of.

It has been so good for me to experience what my dad and family are made of. We have had a handful of CRUCIAL times together as a family - where we've been able to experience this. I wouldn't WISH hard times on anyone - but I believe it brings us to the core of who we are... Those times are precious to me. They are a gift.

In the times we've gone through - he and my mom have loved us (kids) and have done everything they can to guide us to forgive - and to live life to the fullest by pursuing God!

The whole time he was in the hospital he was letting the "DAD JOKES" fly. He could have written a book with them (actually added to the book that he's already started). He was laughing with everyone who worked for the hospital - and the people that visited. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he would be taken care of. He and my mom never worried. They are strength for us.

I was a bit of a different story... that's not true. I wasn't WORRIED. I just prayed. That he would be ok!

There's a peace knowing that no matter what the outcome would be - that we would be taken care of.

Individually and as a family. There was a point where I questioned if he would be OK... my prayers became "angry" - not angry at God - maybe passionate is the word to use. I prayed that if it was Dad's time to go - that it WOULDN'T BE! There is still too much to do! We need him. I need him to walk me down the aisle - we need him to meet his Grandkids... (someday??) To keep the dad jokes coming! To give us a big bear hug and tell us he loves us. To listen. To pray for us. We need him. I think most feel this way about their parents...

I'm so thankful in God's protection and for parents who trust HIM with their lives and death. Mom knows God would sustain her and us. We know that if we lost each other - it wouldn't be the end. We will see each other again!!

My parents are amazing examples of great love! Great love for God. Great love for each other. Great love for us! Great love for the world around them! I'm thankful that we get to call them our own. That God knew who he was placing in our family and why - that we get to bring that out in each other as we go! He also has a design for who will be added to our family.

Thankful for protection - on so many levels!

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