Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3 Loves.

When you love someone like a sister - their family is your family. Their kids are like your little nieces and nephews. You love them and "It's kind of CRAZY"

I was babysitting for one of my best friends for their 10th Wedding Anniversary. I put their middle boy down in his crib and then was putting their eldest to bed reading him a book with the baby in my lap (3 boys!)

As I was done with the book we said our prayers and I gave him a hug.

He said, "Love you too... oh wait - you didn't say you love me." (he's 6 years old)
SO I said, "Well I do love you!"
He said, "Wait - but you can't love me - you're not family"
So I said, "Well I'm kind of family - cause Mommy is one of my best friends - so it's ok that I love you."
He said, "Well... (you could tell his little wheels were turning) that's kind of crazy!"

I got to hang out with them again today. It is so weird that we've only known each other for 2 years - it feels like we've BEEN THERE for all of our memories.

Our time together today was precious! Knowing that I'm going to be gone for a while and how much they'll grow in that time... I couldn't really get enough time with them today.

We went to the mall to return a few things. I was in one store and they had moved onto the next. Her middle son - who is now 2 and stole my heart the day I met him was asking "where miss hoo-he? where miss hoo-he?" so cute! We went back to the house and helped put them to bed and I got to cuddle with the baby for a while.

I was about to leave and said my last good bye to their 6 year old... he came running out from his room when he heard the front door open and said,

"Bye Miss Suzy.
could you call me tomorrow?"

It was the sweetest, cutest, funniest thing. I said, "Sure I'll call you tomorrow!"
We were cracking up so hard - I think I may have shed a few tears!

They are definitely 3 loves in my life!

I forgot how fun and interesting conversations with a 6 year old are! I love it!

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