Monday, August 24, 2009

a girl who doesn't have much

But what I have I want to give.
I have to give.

We are each responsible for our own lives. Making sure that we're healthy - on all levels. Beyond that we are responsible for each other also. We need each other. We were created that way. To need community. To crave community. To thrive in community.

No one wants to go through hard times. No one wants to go through what seems like hell on earth. No one wants their heart broken. No one wants their dreams crushed. But in those times we see what we're made of. We see and know who our friends are. We get to experience a level of love, community and blessing that we may have never known with out the unthinkable pain.

I have a friend who is going through something that I do not know how I would survive. He has depended on God's strength and his friends and family around him. His story has wrecked me!

It is amazing to me how God uses our deepest pain to bring about the most overwhelming joy. I'm believing that for him. I'm thankful that when we don't have strength on our own - God provides people in our lives to give what we need, to remind us of His love.

I don't have much. But what I have I'll give. We'll see what God will do with it!

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