Friday, August 21, 2009

"Risky Living" Chris Caine

Most people Run from Lions... Not to them

2 Sam 23:20-23
Beniah chased a lion into the pit and killed it.
Lions run 35mph jump 30ft into the air

The right place often seems like the wrong place and the right time often seems like the wrong time!

If he hadn't ended up in the pit with the lion... Would he have been the kings bodyguard.??

It's in our pits on our worst days that God is preparing US for what he's got planned FOR us!!

Where you are right now... is on the way to where he's taking you!!

Keep taking risks! Keep chasing lions!!

How do we do that? 5 things to do...

1. Learn to defy the odds
The more the odds are stacked against me the greater glory God will get!! That's what God specializes in... God loves the impossible

Matthew 19:26

Hope you're "so far out of the boat people say... That's impossible!" elevate my faith to what is possible with God

Judges 7:1-7

The Lord said to Gideon... You have too many warriors with you! ...
Started with 32,300 men - you're going to take the credit... Because you have enough! I'm going to strip from you the things that you're comfortable with... Just getting you set up for a win!

If it happened the other way you would think it's about you. Your gift

2. Unlearn our fears. Our irrational fears.

2 Tim 1:7

You need an antidote to your fears!! Don't let fear take root! Grab it before it gets out if control!

There are things God wants to do in your life...
DO THINGS afraid!!! The fear doesn't go away if you run from it!!
The fear of failure is not success... It's a little failure!!
Expose yourself to small quantities of what we're afraid of!
Advance with wisdom... Not pulling back in fear

3. See problems in a new way!
See it differently! Keep Gods perspective! Don't zoom in on your problem! Zoom in on God!

Most if our problems don't have to do with our circumstances... They have to do with our perception

We usually reduce God to our biggest problem!

Adversity is the seedbed of opportunity!!

You're not meant to live without tribulation!!
Don't run from it! Engaged in what He's doing! I've got more ground for you to take!

4. Dare to look foolish!

Faith is a willingness to look foolish! Noah looked foolish building an ark in the dessert. Sara buying maternity clothes at 90. ...

1 Corinth 1:27

Normality is highly overrated!!

5. Stay curious playful eager!

2 Sam 6:20-22

God's looking for a generation that says I'm not going to let fear hold me back..

God is calling us to places we've never been!

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