Friday, January 22, 2010

made me smile

So ... I heard an amazingly beautiful accent tonight. I loved it.

This couple was talking in a language that I definitely didn't understand. I found myself wanting to join in the conversation.

When I opened my mouth to say something the only thing that was there to say was, "HOLA", "GRACIAS", "DENADA", "MUCHO GUSTO"

I almost couldn't contain myself. How funny is it that when I hear another language my mind interprets that to speak SPANISH... it is the only other language that I somewhat know... {un poqito}

Needless to say. I didn't open my mouth. I just laughed at myself and enjoyed overhearing the beautiful conversation.

the little things make me smile!


Unknown said...

this is funny. i like hearing unknown languages too. and accents are great! tiffany used to call it elephant ears when we'd be out at perkin's or a cafe - whathaveyou. but that was more her eves dropping than anything else. elephant ears was one of her favorites.
pues, por lo menos te acuerdas un par de frases. después de high school todo lo que yo sabía estaban palabras malas! :P
and without peru, that's where it would've stayed...

(and use this, it'll help:|en| )

Marzel said...

This story always makes me chuckle!