Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mom

there are so many things to say about my mom.  
things that when reading this she may not believe - but everyone around her would agree!

my mom is one of the most humble people I know.
she gives all that she has.
she has changed lives. 
she does it everyday.
she wakes up in the morning around 4am {+ or - a bit}
gets into work early - because she knows when the doors open - taking time for the families that walk through the doors and her staff become more important than her TO DO list.

I've watched this for many years and thought it was silly... 
but see now that it is not - it is her heart.

she has a heart for People. 
she will take any child into her lap to hug them and make them laugh or wipe their tears.
her face lights up when she gets a hug from a child at her center.
she is lovingly known as {Barbie}
kids that went to her daycare center as a child come back and work for her through high school {some stay to become teachers}

she runs a conference every year {which is one of the best conferences around}
for hundreds of early childhood educators
she LOVES sharing God's love with children.
she's known her whole life that she wanted to be a teacher. 

I remember my favorite times learning things in school were when I went home and my mom would tell me the HISTORY behind a story {I acted like I didn't care - but I was so intrigued} I still remember the feeling - she made it come ALIVE.  I felt like I was there {sometimes I made up stories... saying I was there... more details for another post}

my Mom touches people at the core of who they are.
building them up. seeing the BEST!  always believing for the best.
she always finds a way to let you KNOW that you are loved. 
she loves to give gifts {my parents' checkbook doesn't always love it} but my Dad knows how much she loves to give... so can't always say no.  he loves that about her {deep down} ;)
she puts verses and a little {something} in with each of her employees paychecks.
she TAKES TIME for people.
she TAKES TIME for me.

I love working with my mom.
she is an amazing photographer. 
I love the relationship we have. 
though there are days it can be all about business
I love taking time and just hanging out with my mom.

she is one of my best friends.
she is a person that I trust with my whole self.
she would do anything she can to take pain away when it is there.
she gives GREAT hugs.
she makes me laugh!
she calls to tell you she's 2 minutes away and the streets that she's turning on when she's on her way home.
she hates merging on the highway.
she loves her family {non "blood" relatives included}
she has awesome hand writing.
she's a GREAT cook {but doesn't like it or anything domestic}
she wants a pumpkin colored car.
she gave me her laugh.
she has got one of the most loving giving hearts of anyone I know.

not only today on {Mothers' Day} but everyday I hope you know how loved you are and how much you mean to us.  You are an amazing woman that I look up to and so proud you are ours!

Happy Mothers' Day!!
Love you

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