Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What 2008 has taught me

Awesome to finally have my own place
Better to have it with my sister!

It is great to do something you love
Especially with the people you love

life is what you make of it
can't determine what other people will do - I can only decide how I will be

Excited to see new love in other people's lives
Knew that it wouldn't ever be like that - if things didn't change

Change is needed.
Change is good.

New Beginnings are exciting
It is good to laugh again. Laughed a lot!

Growing all around
Personally, relationally and in business

Stability is nice
Communication is amazing when it works! Nice that it works!

God provides!!!
Sometimes within 10 minutes

my favorite month - let go of some expectations
and was blessed!

Thankful for each person in my "world"
No matter how long or short they are a part of it

God gives you what you need - when you aren't looking for it
it's your job to take care of it!

... life doesn't go how you plan
... that's ok... and good

... reunions are great!
... broken relationships suck

... family is awesome
... time with them is even better

... life is about relationships
... building them and learning from each

... life is WORTH living to the fullest!
... do what you've always wanted to do

... pursue what you want
... if you don't you WILL dry up

... kids have an amazing power to add so much to our lives
... my life has been blessed this year (9 close friends had kids... 22 aquaintances)

... God Provides
... whether we acknowledge Him or not

... I love to travel
... Can't wait to travel more

... I miss my brother
... I am thankful for him

... my parents are wise and compassionate
... great examples of how I want to be

... Making new friends keeps life interesting
... Keeping long term friends brings stability

... I love my jobs
... lia sophia, Executive Title, Photography with my mom

... I love weddings
... I'm not ready to be married

... going to the chiropractor works
... I don't have migraines anymore

... massages
... worth the money you spend

... a new used car is worth the money
... my butt warmers, auto start and GPS (stella) are life savers

... even if someone is in your life for a short period of time - it's worth it
... friendship is good

... I love connecting with women
... can't wait to be involved with Grace

... I miss "My Girls"
... need to get together with them!

... relaxation is needed
... being on the lake is relaxing

... Grandpa is STILL A STUD!
... time with him is priceless

... Cleaning out your closet is a good thing
... as long as you don't fill it with more

... paying off debt is needed
... just because there is room on a credit card doesn't mean you need to spend it

... I really want to be clean and organized
... we don't always get (or do) what we want

... I need sleep
... more than I think

... working from home is amazing
... and hard

... follow up is not one of my strongest attributes
... I WILL work on building this skill

... forgiveness is necessary
... it's the choices between life and death

... God is good
... all the time

... I am excited for today
... AND the future not just the future

... if we don't see ourselves for who we are and where we are
... we will never be fully alive

... taking time for yourself is WORTH it
... and not natural for me

... being alone is GOOD
... and needed for a time

... I am excited to see all that 2009 will bring!

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