Monday, September 14, 2009

a small request.

when I die. please don't say of me. "she was so young and had so much potential."

this phrase breaks my heart each time I hear it. Because it implies that potential has died.

It hasn't died - it just now lives on in you.

please talk of who I am. who I was. that I lived to love and to give. to bring out the inner beauty in the things that surround me.


this thought has haunted me for weeks - no months now. I haven't known how to communicate it. Because death is such a delicate subject. I want to write about it... cause I won't be able to then.

When we lose someone - it is hard not to think of all of the things that they didn't GET to do. But I feel that it takes away from what they got to do and who they were.

I haven't fulfilled some lifelong dreams. but. If I go before those are fulfilled... my life was (is) full.

It is our responsibility while we are still here... to know what we're here for.
To know what we're passionate about. and to give all we are.

Then when we are gone - the people who loved us and were a part of us will pick up the pieces and give where they can. That's the beautiful thing about community and life. We give something specific to each person around us. What we give will be carried on.

Our passion won't die when we do.

I feel a responsibility to the people who are close to me who have died to love life like they did. Because I CAN. I'm here.

When I die. It will be the beginning of the best life I've ever known.

I don't WANT to die young. but if I do - please grant me this small request. to remember the life I lived. not the potential lost.


1 comment:

Traci said...

I know you've been chewing on this for a long time. Well said! =) Love you!