Saturday, September 3, 2011

{Change} ...

no one said change is easy.
but it is necessary.
the process and results are worth it. 

I am going through a {Cleaning House} time in my life.
I probably should have come to this place a lot more than I have. 

A friend told me that things usually come in 3s...

I'm moving
Meaningful relationships are taking new shapes
I am getting control of my money not vice versa

It has not been easy.
There has been sweat, blood and tears
{not really blood - but it's felt as painful as if there were blood}
But I will get to the other side and SEE the changes

I know that it is a process and I don't want any corners cut or past over. 
I am deep cleaning in each area. 
I can feel the change in little pieces and it feels good. 

As I was cleaning my parents' garage last night to prep it for moving my stuff in

I just kept saying to myself "it's worth it... this is ALL worth it"
my Dad joked that I could live there as long as I'd like 
I could even stay until they retire to take care of them ;)
{haha... very sweet - but not the plan!}
I told him, "I'm cleaning house now - so I can have my own." 

So I'm moving forward and embracing the changes in my life.
I'm making the best of them.
Leaving the areas I've been better than I found them.
Because the areas that are changing made Me better than I was.

Thankful for the past. 
Truly living in Today. 
Looking forward for my future.

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