Monday, September 12, 2011


it is OK to regret things that are regrettable. 
regret can bring remorse and change
remorse and change can open huge doors to forgiveness
forgiveness leads a way to freedom

i believe in living a life in pursuit of "no regrets"
but don't think that is fully possible
the only way to do that is to give all i have in all i do
there is only ONE i know of who has done that.
i want to be like him

forgiveness doesn't only come when another is remorseful
it is a choice and can bring freedom no mater what the situation.
forgiveness also does not mean that a person wasn't wronged
it's a choice to not live under the control of unforgiveness

if you say you have no regrets
emotion and responsibility are cut off.
regret and remorse don't bind you or make you a bad person
they set you free and make you REAL.

it is OK to regret things that are regrettable.  
regret can bring remorse and change
remorse and change can open huge doors to forgiveness
forgiveness leads a way to freedom

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