Monday, January 12, 2009


How and why does our sense of smell bring back memories so quickly... how are those memories so strong and vivid? Memories can replay like a movie.

When I get a whiff of my mom's perfume I remember my childhood and am comforted.

When I smell my favorite smells - I'm relaxed - energized - encouraged.

When smells like these linger - it's awesome!

But what about when you're surprised by a smell and it brings memories of a time that you'd like to forget. You haven't thought about that time or those memories in such a long time... and don't want to go there... BUT smell brings you back to that place.

There's no asking if you want to go there - you're just taken there. AND can't shake the memories until the smell is gone...

I love the ability to smell... it would be nice if we could choose the memories attached!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a "memories" moment the other day. I have them quite often, and sometimes they are good, and sometimes they are not so good. I try to remember that God has been with me through it all. Sometimes I forget that though, and He gently reminds me.