Sunday, January 18, 2009

What Church SHOULD BE!

Man Church was good today!

I almost didn't go... I was running late.

The only spots available where in the BACK ROW - by the time that I got there! Instead of being annoyed I was so excited! It has been awesome to see the growth at Grace in the last few months! I had visited years ago - and it just seemed too large - and I didn't feel connected. But in May I started going there and it has felt like home ever since.

One of the biggest reasons is the new Pastor that they (we...) have. His name is Pastor Troy Dobbs! He is my kind of Pastor! He says it like it is. I think that he has got a great grasp on God - and knows that he doesn't KNOW IT ALL ... but is confident in what he does know about God - and what he means for the church to be!

It seems like every week I have gone - God has used his sermons to touch my life specifically in the areas that I've needed him to! It has been great! Today - I was encouraged by the fact that the Church WAS what it should be. Pastor Troy's sermon was about our economy... the things that we should not do - we should not stop being generous... (that's the one that sticks out in my mind... there were 8) The thing that stuck out the most to me was the concern for the people in the congregation that have lost their jobs... or are worried that they will lose their jobs. He had a special time of prayer for them!

He asked us to truly BE the BODY OF CHRIST and pray for each other! Church isn't about going - singing - hearing something nice and then going home and staying the same! Going to Church should encourage us to be more Christ Like! And to be Christ Like wherever we go. If that is happening the Bible says that he'll draw people to himself! AND we GET to be a part of that!!

SO toady... I experienced what I believe the church is MEANT to be. And am exited to be that to the people around me!

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