Friday, January 30, 2009

Teary eyed in Target

I was on my way into Target today to get a gift for a friend of mine in the hospital. As I was walking in I saw a man in a wheel chair that was struggling. About 15 to 20 people passed him by.

I slowed and asked him if I could help.

His leg had fallen off of his wheelchair - so he couldn't move forward. He asked me if I could place his leg back on the chair. I said of course. He looked like he needed to be lifted up - and placed better in the chair. We both laughed a little and said that I couldn't help him with that.

We strolled in together.

It was a little difficult to understand him - but we talked for about 5 minutes.

His name is Bob.

He asked me if I knew of the actor Cary Grant - I said, "absolutely". He told me of his dinner with him in Vegas. It was a nice chat.

I told him that I had to get going to visit my friend. He asked me my age - and said if I was just a little older he would be interested to have lunch with me. He also mentioned that many people don't take the time to talk to him and he was thankful I did...

As I was saying that I needed to get going a woman came in and looked at me like, "are you ok" I smiled at her and finished my conversation with Bob and then went to find my gifts.

The woman waited for me and said, "Are you ok?" I said, "of course" she asked, "Did he ask you to stop" (or something like that) I said - "No I asked him if I could help him and then we were talking..." I was sort of thankful that she was concerned - but so turned off by it also...

HE'S A 60 YEAR OLD MAN in a wheel chair... What could he do to me? He hasn't had someone pay attention to in a while and needed help. I was happy to help him and hopefully add something to his day.

She seemed shocked by this and said, "Oh, OH - thank you so much! That is so nice! Thank you so much for helping him."

I was unnerved by her gratitude for talking to him. Isn't that normally what anyone would do if they see someone needs help?

Why was it such a shocker? Why did SO MANY people walk by and not notice him. Why was it such a big deal to be nice and helpful?

I got teary eyed in Target wondering how many times I pass people by?

Today I didn't. ... But why is it such a novelty to be nice?


Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

So true.. it is amazing how many things/people we miss.. and let just go by.

Well the restaurant for now will be in Annandale only on Friday nights starting April 17th.