Wednesday, January 21, 2009

one of those days

today seems to be just one of those days... where procrastination is constant.

I hate that! I hate these days. I don't know what it is - and I just can't shake it!

I'm so excited on many different levels. Business is going well. We will have 3 people added to our team in the next 2 weeks - which is SO AWESOME. And tomorrow is my busiest day out of the month for closings...

Personally I feel like I'm growing - and "getting things" growth that will last.

Emotionally I'm in a good place. So I'm not sure why I can't get ANYTHING done today.

I know that I've just come off of a few really busy weeks and am going into 2 EXTREMELY busy days... so do I just need to allow myself this day as a "breather"? But the thing is - I don't have time for it to be a breather! I can breath on Saturday.

Joel and I were talking last week (or maybe longer now) about procrastination and how it's hard to do what's not "comfortable" it's so easy to curl up in a ball and ignore that things that need to get done... I don't know if there's something extra in our blood or DNA that makes us more prone to this... but there is something about doing things last minute that gets me going. If it's not last minute - I don't feel the excitement about it. I've gotten better with this. But today has been a bad day for it.

Even as I write - I know I shouldn't be writing - I should be DOING what I need to... I thought maybe if I wrote about it I would get it out and miraculously be motivated.

We'll see. Hopefully that's the case!


zenren said...

You are fabulous.

Unknown said...

So, was that the case?