Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 17: {30 till 30}

{Favorite Aunt Ruth}

I was told today that I'd be picked up at 6:30...  I've kind of figured out that if someone "picks me up" it's probably family.  My mom asks me just about every day {before I know the plans}, "So what are you doing today?"  My response is always, "I'm not sure... I just know the time."  I'm not sure if she is just too excited about it and wants to see if I have any guesses on what's going to happen ... or if she just forgets that I don't know yet {I usually find out where to be when I get off of work}.

I heard the doorbell ring and answered it {it's always exciting to see who it is} It was my FAR  :)  I gave her a hug and then had to change shoes - I had about 6 inch heals on thinking that it might be my Uncle Pete - so I changed into my flats. 

My FAR is the Queen of Coupons.  I love it!
She is the person that you go to if you ever need anything
weather it's a great deal - she's ready to share it
if it's a specific job that you're looking for - she keeps her ears open
if it's a Stevie Wonder cassette tape that you need for a 9th grade history project - she's got it
{I'm sorry I never returned that... I still think about it and look for a replacement}

Her closet and mine look exactly the same {when my clothes are put away}
Separated by color and type of clothing
so that they are easy to find - but mostly because it looks pretty!
I love that she loves a great deal - just like I do
{I don't pay full price for anything... except an amazing pair of jeans!}
I've always admired her organization and attention to detail. 
She remembers the things that you love - and when she comes across she has to get it for you.
Like a lip gloss she brought me the other week - it's her favorite and she loves sharing it!

I've got great intentions to be like her in that... maybe we just need to hang out more - like tonight for it to rub off on me?  Osmosis right.?

Ruthie pulled her coupons out - we decided to get kids meals... that way we get a free cup of Custard and the meal size is perfect.

Thank you for celebrating with me!!

It was great to catch up with you and hang out.
We've been through a lot of the same things - it's good to hear your opinion {and "non-opinion}.

Love you!

1 comment:

Melissa Passe said...

I just got the kid's meal at Culvers last Sunday! I didn't know you could do that until the cashier suggested it after I told him "this is what I want". It was way too much food - but I was happy that I got all that for $5! :-) Glad you had fun with your aunt.